Leung Wai Yin, Amy PhD.
Leung Wai Yin, Amy, PhD. received her doctoral degree in clinical psychology from Fuller Graduate School of Psychology, California, and completed her Clinical Psychology Internship at the New York University-Bellevue Hospital Center in New York. She is the first Certified Sandplay Therapist and Teaching Member of the International Society for Sandplay Therapy (ISST) in Hong Kong. She was the founding chair of the Hong Kong Sandplay Therapy Association (HKSTA) and was the Chairperson of HKSTA from 2010 to 2020. She was a Board Member of the International Society for Sandplay Therapy (ISST) from 2017 to 2019, and the Vice President, Asia of ISST from 2019 to 2021. She also founded and coordinated the first Jungian Psychology Group in Hong Kong from 1999 to 2003, and the group later developed into the Hong Kong Institute of Analytical Psychology (HKIAP).
Dr. Leung worked as a clinical psychologist at the Adolescent Medical Center (AMC) of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and was an Honorary Assistant Professor at the Department of Community Medicine, the University of Hong Kong. She has been a clinical supervisor of many NGO counseling agencies for over two decades. Moreover, she is a Fellow of the Hong Kong Psychological Society (HKPS). Dr. Leung regularly teaches sandplay therapy and dreams locally and internationally. She has used dream work extensively with her clients and has led retreat and silent retreat for many years.
梁慧賢博士於美國加州Fuller心理研究學院取得臨床心理學博士學位,並在紐約大學醫療中心及Bellevue 醫院完成臨床心理學實習。她是國際箱庭療法學會 (ISST) 在香港第一位會員及訓練導師,並且是香港沙遊治療學會 (HKSTA) 的創會主席及於2010年至2020年擔任該學會的主席。她於2017年至2019年擔任國際箱庭療法學會(ISST)的董事會成員,並於2019年至2021年擔任該學會的副主席。她還於1999年至2003年創立和帶領香港第一個榮格心理學小組,該小組後來發展為香港分析心理學會 (HKIAP)。