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Dr. Hung Lap Kwan, Willy


Dr. Hung Lap Kwan, Willy, Psy.D. completed his Doctor of Psychology and Master of Arts in clinical psychology from the Alliant International University/California School of Professional Psychology. He received his Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Counseling and Master of Arts in Religious Education from the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas, USA. Dr. Hung is also an Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS), a National Certified Counselor (NCC) of the National Board of Certified Counselor (NBCC), USA, and an Associate Fellow of the Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association (HKPCA).

Dr. Hung had worked as a psychological counselor at the Counseling Unit of Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong for many years and he has worked as private practitioner since 2002. He received extensive training and experience working with individual, marital and family therapy. Besides serving individuals struggling with mental and emotional disorders, relational difficulties and psychological trauma, Dr. Hung has specialized in working with death and loss issues. He has worked extensively with the cancer patients and their family members.


Dr. Hung adapts mainly from psychodynamic orientation and systemic family approach. He has experiences in providing individual and group supervision to practicing counselors as well as counselors-in-training in the University setting. He has conducted workshops on parenting, courtship, marriage enrichment, and personal growth. He also published articles on parenting and marital issues in “Happy Family” magazine. Dr. Hung believes that psychotherapy is a channel to help individuals and groups enhance their awareness of the psychological bondage so as to broaden their choices in making changes, such that their personal, social and relational functioning is ultimately restored.

洪立群博士 現為私人執業臨床心理學家及婚姻家庭治療師,為因個人,工作、或婚姻家庭受困人士提供專業輔導。洪博士於美國加州專業心理學院完成臨床心理碩士及博士課程,並在德西南浸信會神學院取得婚姻家庭輔導碩士及宗教教育碩士.他現為美國國家輔導協會認證心理輔導及特許臨床督導。同時,他亦是香港專業輔導協會副院士。



洪博士曾到過不同學校、教會及社區主領親子及婚姻講座,他亦致力為現職心理輔導員提供個案臨床督導及訓練。他也為<天倫樂>雜誌撰寫有關婚姻關係及教養孩子專題文章。 洪博士相信心理治療是一個重要的媒介,幫助個人或群體認識自己。他主要運用動態心理治療,家庭治療及認知行為治療的知識,來幫助受助者認知他們的心理困擾,從而增強他們在不同人生階段或處境中面對困難的抗逆能力。他期望受助者接受心理治療後,能在個人及人際間的價值獲得重建,讓其人生可以活得更加豐盛。

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